Friday, November 21, 2008

why worry?

Andy Stanley just finished a 3 part series called, "Why Worry?" He said, “Today’s worries often wipe out God’s past faithfulness.” This statement struck me and I asked myself this question, Where, when and how has God has been faithful to me in the past? It was an amazing exercise that led to great worship:

1. He has protected me from unhealthy, dead end relationships that could have resulted in marriages doomed for failure.
2. Can we get candid? He has spared me from physical abuse, unwanted pregnancies and STD's. Thank You, Jesus.
3. He has restored and renewed in me a new love and desire for a personal relationship with Him.
4. He has redeemed me from the pit of depression and rebellion.
5. He has saved me and promised me eternal life with Him in heaven.
6. He has given me second, third, and millionth chances.
7. He has replaced the father who abandoned me with 3 amazing and godly stand-in fathers: Uncle John, my step-dad, and
my sister's father-in-law.
8. He has brought women into my life who love me unconditionally, speak truth into my life, and hold me accountable on a
daily basis.
9. He has been faithful in His provisions in helping me get completely out of debt in 2/2008.
10. He strategically placed me in a family who loves the Lord their God with all their hearts, souls, and minds.
11. He brought me to NPCC in 10/2003 and provided a job within the first week of arriving.
12. He has provided abundantly above all I could ever ask or imagine without full-time work for the past 7 months.
13. He has brought a new and exciting opportunity into my life recently in starting a new business.
14. He brought the Pehrson and the Elmer families into my life. They have loved on me and taken me in as their own.
15. The closer I get to 30, the more I feel like I am comfortable being the person He created me to be.
16. He has provided me with several community groups in the last 5 years to walk through life with.
17. He created Andy Stanley and brought me to his church in 2003. Enough said.
18. He has recently brought THEE most amazing man into my life to demonstrate God's love to me most... when I deserve it the least.

so I ask, “Why Worry?” God has been ridiculously faithful in all of my life. I am deeply thankful.


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

I was just stopping in to say hi to a fellow Marietta blogger, and now I see a wonderful Christian post! And God is SO faithful; He's certainly given me a big ol' heap of grace! We go to Johnson Ferry Church, but have good friends at NP, and I love Andy Stanley. Actually he and my pastor are prayer partners & friends, which I think it pretty cool!