Thursday, April 24, 2008

welcome to the world, Isaac!

My nephew was born on Tuesday, 4/22/08 at 12:45 MST. His parents (my sister & brother-in-law) wrote "Isaac Michael Patterson Elmer will bear his first name as a token of the joy he is for us and all he meets, his second name as the son of a son of a valiant and God-fearing man, his third to carry the name of his lineage, and his fourth according to convention in western culture. He weighed in a healthy 7.4 lbs and measured 20+ inches (51 cm)."

Mama & baby came home about 2 hours ago and are doing great. They're both napping and happy to be home. I'm loving lovin' on them, helping out with meals and cleaning, and just enjoying this precious time and celebration of life and love. Thanks for all your prayers. We truly felt them and are so blessed!


Jamie said...

He's so beautiful! Congrats Aunt Jess!