Tuesday, February 19, 2008

10 random things about me

so, i've been tagged...by my friend Jamie's blog, and i am supposed to list 10 random facts about myself. here you go!!!

1. i have two different thumbs.

2. the space shuttle, Challenger, blew up on my 7th birthday. :(

3. i legally changed my name on my 19th birthday.

4. i have never done any illegal drugs. just say NO!

5. i have moved approximately 38 times in my 29 years. the longest i've ever stayed in one home is 2 years. (must be why i'm an "Adapter" on the Right Path Inventory.)

6. i am an ESFJ on the Myers-Briggs, which means i am a "Caregiver".

7. i don't watch TV...unless i'm on the treadmill, then it's Lifetime or HGTV.. and ONLY to pass the time.

8. i've known since about the 3rd grade, that i'd marry a man whose name started with a "J". weird, i know... what might be even more strange, or ironic, i should say, is that i've dated 6 different guys whose names start with a "J". none have led to marriage. maybe i should be more open to other letters...

9. i'm going to be an aunt for the first time on 4/23 but my sister and her husband won't tell anyone the baby bun's name until he's born!!!

10. i own every Nicholas Sparks book that has been published. my favorite is The Wedding.

now i get to tag some friends! if i tag you, then you must post a blog like this with 10 facts about you on your own blog then let me know! I tag Bekah, Mike, Dave, and my Uncle John. have fun!


J Dub said...

ok...i'm going to do it.

Jamie said...

I think it's time to try a new letter.... ;)

Love you friend!!