Sunday, June 15, 2008

the best father's day ever

Today, I had one of the most special days I've had in a long time. Father's Day is usually a hard day for me since I do not have a relationship with my own father. I do have three men who God has put in my life to teach, model, and pray for me and they were ALL here in Atlanta to celebrate with me today.

My precious uncle John, who spoke to fathers today at NPCC, made me incredibly proud to be his niece. You'll have to go listen to his sermon here. My stepdad, Sid, who has been a God-send to our family and Dad Elmer, (my sister's father-in-law) who has taken me in as his own daughter, both came to church and we all went out to brunch afterwards. 

To top the day off, I actually got a call from my dad, who I haven't heard from in over a year. It was a tough conversation and even in my hurt, all I wanted to do was reach through the phone and love on him. He is so desperate for grace, love, and forgiveness. We all are. He can't give me back the last 11 years, but I told him there's nothing more that I would love than to move forward and reconnect. I honestly don't know if he is a changed man. Although he did apologize for all the hurt he's caused me, I didn't hear any true humility, brokenness or repentance in his voice. Now that I have his address and phone number, I'm gonna go out of my way to pour into him and just meet him where he's at. We'll see how it goes...

Here are some pictures from the day...
this is Grandma and her husband, Wayne
my mom and her husband, Sid
mom, me and Gwamma
we visited Uncle John backstage after the service. IN ANDY'S PERSONAL GREEN ROOM. here i am looking and feeling much wiser in his chair. i feel a sermon coming on...
the Griffins, Elmers, Mays and the Taylor 


Sarah said...

Wonderful! You look beautiful in these pictures, just glowing. I'm glad you could celebrate with these 3 wonderful men. You have such an amazing attitude about life, it is so encouraging!

hootenannie said...

Okay, firstly: you are stunning.

Secondly: you need no Ragamuffin Top Challenge. :)

Thirdly: I would love to send you a CD! Email me at, and we'll work it out!

AnnieBlogs said...

Hi Jessica!

Thanks for your SUPER sweet comment. I appreciate it so much.

Are you friends with Annie Parsons? WEIRD. Me too!