Tuesday, June 3, 2008

the moment i wake up, before i put on my makeup, i say a little prayer for you

Dear Lord,

You know that right now in my life I am struggling to be CONTENT in all circumstances, for in Philippians 4:11 it says..."for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances". You also know that my desire is to be married so I may be a godly wife and mother. I am learning to put my trust in You and know that Your timing is perfect (although it is definitely not what I would choose!) and that You have the perfect man for me. I want Your perfect mate for me. I know that ALL things work together for good to those that love the Lord. I do love You, Lord, and I turn this over to You. I give my future husband to You, whomever he may be. I'll pray for him knowing that You will bring him to me in Your timing. 
I no longer will seek to find what I want, but what You would have for me. I give my desire to get married over to You. Do with me as You will...and with that I will be content. 

...for I know God's smallest blessings are FAR GREATER than my greatest dreams...


Jamie said...

Amen sista! Love you and loved our time together yesterday!

Unknown said...

I know it's hard to surrender that desire to the Lord and to patiently wait. I was there. All of my friends were married, I was single and wanted nothing more than my Boaz to come and sweep me off of my feet. He came when I least expected it and it was well worth the wait. A man of noble character who loves the Lord and leads your marriage is worth waiting for. Hang in there cause your reward will be oh so sweet!!!!