Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Lord, here are my desires for my husband:

1. a man who is financially reliable and responsible
he's either debt free or on his way to being there; actively saves and gives; sticks to a budget

2. romantic
makes me feel special; very affectionate; thoughtful with his words and deeds; adores me and celebrates who God made me, even if I AM a little crazy; loves quality time....

3. forgiving
I have a past that may be unacceptable for certain men. If he can't forgive me and realize I am a different person, then he's not the one for me.

4. He is a strong spiritual leader and will be the "man of the house".

Definitely be able to say no to me and put me in my place.

5. He will desire traditional roles and it is my desire to live solely on his income.
If I choose to work, we will agree on that together but I don't want my income to supplement his.

6. He will want to have and adopt lots of babies, to raise up godly generations with me.

7. I desire a man humble enough to seek counsel when needed. 

8. He is loyal and agrees with me that divorce is not an option. Ever.

After listening to Voddie Baucham's series Love and Marriage, I have added that he must be:

9. a man who leads in love: (true love = an act of the will accompanied by emotion that leads to action on behalf of its object).

10.man who leads in the Word: discipling and mentoring me and the capability of doing the same for our children.

11. a man who leads in righteousness: doing everything in his power to preserve my righteousness and purity.

12. a man who leads in selflessness: understanding what it means to put others before himself; serves and meets my needs by treasuring, nurturing, caring, nourishing, valuing, and protecting me; being more interested in what he can give me than what he can take from me

13. a man who leads in intimacy: creating a hedge of protection and prioritizing our relationship above all others

P.S. Lord, since we're being honest, I might as well tell You EVERY desire. The following are negotiable but would be definite bonuses. I really want him to have dark hair. Brown is really good. I'm flexible on eye color. ;-) I'd love for him to have a brilliant smile, with great teeth. :) And I have to like listening to his voice. And I really want him to have a good relationship with his family (parents and siblings) and want to spend time with mine. Ideally, I'd like him to currently have a roommate so he knows how to compromise and share his space. And he has to be an amazing maker-outer, love Mexican food, and love to laugh. And desire to get to know my family and friends. And do crazy things with me, like sky-diving. I'm not naturally spontaneous, so I'd like him to be...but also likes to do nothing... cause that's important too. And i'd love for him to be adventurous and travel with me to new and exciting places as well as try new things with me, cause You know how much I love change. I'd love to marry an extrovert, since I'm an introvert, so we could balance each other out. (Ideally, an ESTP or an ESFP...i'm just sayin'...) Also, it would mean a lot to me if he went through my uncle John's men's group to learn how to live life on purpose, in balance. Wow. I think that about covers it. Thanks for caring about the details of my life, both the big and the small. I can't wait to meet him, Lord, the man You created for me. I'm really excited and I ask that You continue to shape and mold me into the woman he desires, as well. I already love him and I don't even know who he is.